International Business Facilitation
As part of our services, our firm assists our clients with the formation of new business global operations in numerous jurisdictions. Our clients initially consult with us as to the appropriate entity to be established for the formation of a platform for the specific business, the funding of the relevant business activities, engaging with a bank which would be most suitable to the respective activity, dealing with the relevant regulatory compliance and tax strategy. When our clients’ proposed business goes beyond making sales in a foreign country, they will probably need to consider the best in-country corporate structure to achieve their purposes. This can be performed in various forms, e.g., establishing their own branch, subsidiary, or representative office. We assist our clients in facing the various legal and structural challenges embedded in the formation of their global businesses. For that purpose we maintain constant professional contacts with the most competent local professionals in various jurisdictions, and from all the necessary disciplines such as lawyers, accountants, bankers and other professions as the case may require, and we possess the expertise and experience to achieve for our clients the ultimate results for the optimal costs.